Local projects

Projekt Nauka

The idea of the project is to help students prepare for the advanced level mathematics exam. We offer free tutoring in the form of lectures and open consultations, conducted by SGH students. We believe that preparation for the Matura exam in an academic atmosphere can inspire young people to study harder!

Kierunek Ekonomia

Similarly to the Projekt Nauka, Kierunek Ekonomia was created to help high school graduates prepare to study at the Warsaw School of Economics. This project consists of organizing lectures on the basics of entrepreneurship in preparation for the placement test, which is one of the conditions for entering the Warsaw School of Economics.

Manufaktura Kultury

This project aims to bring the world of culture closer to students and interest them in the repertoire of Warsaw cinemas, theaters and many other art centers. It is aimed at students of all universities in the capital. We want to encourage young people to visit cultural centers more often, present them with the current repertoire and organizing competitions in which you can win tickets to promoted events. Our task is to show that culture does not have to be boring, and its wide range allows everyone to find something they like.

Mentor Program

Program implemented in every ESN section in the world. It consists in assigning Mentors to students coming to a foreign university in another country (in particular at the Warsaw School of Economics). The main task of the Mentors is to introduce Erasmus students to the student life at our university (including informing about subjects, faculty, student organizations or university formalities). In addition to formal matters, it is worth familiarizing Erasmus students with the city itself and the entertainment that can be found there or what is worth visiting over the weekend for a longer trip around Poland.


One of the most important projects in each section. Members organize free time for Erasmus students, make sure that they feel good in our country and create unforgettable memories. The events organized by the project include various types of activities in the city, educational events at the university and trips around Poland. 

By participating in the project, you have a unique opportunity to meet people from all over the world and make friends for life. Additionally, parties in international company are great fun!

Tandem Courses

Tandem Courses are a cyclical meetings with students who want to learn a foreign language. The project aims to make it easier for students living in Poland to learn languages on the basis of „language for language” exchange. Students have their own pair in which they learn from each other in a relaxed environment. This form of learning is already popular in many countries of Western Europe, however still not used in Poland.

Orientation Week

Orientation Week is a legendary party project. The program includes 7 nights, 7 parties, in 7 different clubs. Organized twice a year, it aims to integrate new Erasmus students with the university and SGH students. The project is highly appreciated by foreign students, but also by all students of Warsaw universities.


ESN SGH Zerówka is a project addressed to people who are just starting their studies at SGH. Incoming students take part in a unique camp traditionally held at the Polish shore. During two week-long stays, 50 people integrate and learn about the student life at our university. It is an opportunity to make first acquaintances in college and adjust to life at SGH. This Camp also includes themed events, lots of competitions and activities such as kayaking, field games and an aquapark.